Oct 7, 2021

Transportation Management

 Me: "...I think we can still fit a kitchen island even if we put a fridge against the wall. No, the bigger problem is that right now we're used to just walking diagonally across this open space to get to the utility room."

She demonstrates.

Me: "With an island, we're going to have to go along like this, and then turn and go along like that."

She demonstrates.


TH: "Well...we're always crashing into each other coming and going from the utility room anyway. This might help."

His eyes light up.

TH: "We can use it for you to practice roundabouts!"

Me: "I..err...um. Really? Do you think that might actually work? I'll try anything."

TH: "We'd have to make it realistic. We'd have to make "brrrrum brrrrum" noises. Obviously."

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